Electronics (I)
ESS223000-Fall 2024
Wed. 10:00-12:00 am; Fri. 10:00-11:00 am
ESS Old Building NE69
Instructor: Professor Yung-Hsien Wu 巫勇賢
Office: ESS Old Building 314
Office Hours: Any time when I am at my office
Email: yunhwu@mx.nthu.edu.tw
Teaching Assistant (TA):江明婕 (email: mj0101@gapp.nthu.edu.tw)
盧聖穎 (email: maxbroth001@gmail.com)
助教時間:每周一19:00於 302 教室,有問題歡迎先mail題目給助教,增加討論效率
Textbook: Sedra/Smith, "Microelectronic Circuits," International 8th Edition. (Part I: Devices and Basic Circuits. Chap.1-6)
Razavi, "Fundamentals of Microelectronics, 3rd Edition.
Additional Readings: Neaman, "Electronic Circuit Analysis And Design," 2nd Edition.
Handout: Download from eeclass 數位學習平台
Teaching Method:
The course will be taught on-site and online via Google Meet (meet.google.com/pdr-htif-bji)
This course aims to develop the students' ability to analyze and design electronic circuits, both analog and digital, discrete and integrated. The primary emphasis of this class will be cultivating an understanding of how modern electronic circuits work. An in-depth understanding of electronic circuit design and analysis will be very useful in future examinations and careers.
The following is the outline of this course:
1. Introduction to the basic concepts of electronics. Signals, their frequency spectra, and their analog and digital forms are presented. Amplifiers are introduced as circuit building blocks and their various types and models are studied.
2. Introduction to operational amplifiers. Their terminal characteristics, simple applications, and limitations are presented.
3. Study of PN junction diode terminal characteristics. Its hierarchy of models and basic circuit applications are discussed.
4. Operation principle of MOS field-effect transistors (MOSFETs). Study of the device structure and its physical operation are included. In addition, its applications are demonstrated through some circuit examples.
5. Operation principle of bipolar junction transistors (BJTs). Device physics will be described and circuit models for transistor operation in different modes will be developed and utilized in the analysis and design of circuit.
You are strongly encouraged to read ahead of the lectures. After each lecture, you should review the corresponding material in the textbook and then read the next section or two before the following lecture. This familiarization process will allow you to digest information from the lectures more easily.
The final grade will depend on the items with relative weights shown below:
Midterm I………… 30%
Midterm II……….. 30%
Final Exam………..30%
No make-up exam!
Cheating Policy:
Cheating is not tolerated. Getting the bad points in the exams may not fail in the course, but the failing grade in this course will be necessarily got once cheating is found.